Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Muharram Fair at Al Azhar Syifabudi Talaga Bestari

Dec 20, 2009 is the day of the contest. Actually Basma was planned to participate "Cerdas Cermat" as a delegation group of SD Al Azhar Syifabudi Talaga Bestari, but considering that after investigating to 17 students of SD Al Azhar Syifabudi Talaga Bestari to participate the Writing Arabic contest and nobody can write Arabic but Basma, finally she has to cancel participation on "Cerdas Cermat" and take chance on Writing Arabic Contest.

الحمد لله رب العالمين Finally she took third place Winner and got Trophy and cash money IDR.100,000.- While for "Cerdas Cermat" become a second winner. The contestant from SD Al Azhar Syifabudi Talaga Bestari are Wulan, Zidan and Icha.

We are all happy.....

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